19 February 2018

Image transfers cont’d.

I used another image in the same way, transferring the laser prints onto heavy paper, trying to achieve an eroded quality.

Punk Face Multi Dot v2_edited

I photographed the one I found most interesting, which I may use for a screen-print.

Punk Face Dot Eroded v2_edited

After transferring more images onto fabric I washed it to remove the residual bits of paper and instead of ironing the calico squares I decided their crumpled state enhanced the worn appearance.


Transfer Fabric 1_edited v2

Transfer fabric 3_edited v2

wear & tear

Sigmar Polke

I have started looking at the work of Sigmar Polke, who was fascinated with the halftone dots of printed material, enlarging the images using a projector to scale them up on his canvas then painting them.

One of the issues with using found images from magazines is the relatively small size of the source material. I am considering ways of overcoming this limitation by re-photographing my collages and printing them out at a larger size or creating screen-prints at a larger size


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