30 April 2018

End of Year Group Exhibition: Process & Materiality

I signed up for a group exhibition under the theme of ‘Process and Materiality’. There were 10 of us in the group and we created a Facebook chat to organise meetings and discuss related matters. This included collaborating on the creation of a flyer with input from different members of the group and votes on the layout. Our group worked very well together in a constructive and harmonious way on all aspects of the curation, which enabled everything to go smoothly.

For the flyer we decided to use an image that had a general reference to the theme, rather than featuring our individual work. A member of the group suggested using a photo they had taken of tools, which seemed ideal.


As our work was very diverse we decided to use a standard eye-line, centering work hung on the walls, to help create a cohesive look. To acknowledge our individual pieces, we added labels by our work, with our name, the title of the work and materials used.

The layout of the exhibition was based on practical and aesthetic considerations. My work needed a spotlight to enhance the textures against the white wall and the video pieces were best near a power supply. From there the curatorial decisions seemed to evolve naturally. We thought it worked best putting the sculptural work together and arranging the colourful paintings and hangings together. There was a large printed work in colour and greyscale with assemblage elements that worked well facing the sculpture. The placement of the long fabric hanging in neutral tones helped to connect both areas. I think it was a successful exhibition, both in terms of the curation and the standard of our work.

M. McCune-Colbert, Traces of the Past, 2018

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