7 May 2018

End of year reflections:


Transfer fabric 3_edited v2

M. McCune-Colbert, Untitled, Image transfer, 2018


While researching the history of Dada for my 2,000-word essay I identified underlying characteristics that I believe contribute to its ongoing influence:

  • seeing value in the everyday world
  •  the freedom to experiment
  • embracing the element of chance

I explored the connection with Nouveau Réalisme and my own practice. In doing this I discovered my affinity was Dada was far greater than I had realised as I have also been becoming more aware about parameters I apply to my work, regardless of subject matter.

This includes taking an experimental approach using physical materials and processes, in which things can easily go wrong, to allow for the element of chance. These chance occurrences can lead to more interesting work or give rise to new ideas (thinking through making). I also respond to material things in the world around me. This could be using found images for collage and objects for assemblage or relief sculpture. This material is removed from its original context and rearranged, altered or presented in a new way to create new meaning.


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Examples of my work using physical materials and processes